Behan Arena Theatre

is a 200+ seat Black Box Theater.
Behan View 1 Behan View 2
Seating arrangement is…
* 68 fixed seats Stage Left (4 rows)
* 83 fixed seats Stage Right (5 rows)
* 49 fixed seats Down Stage (5 rows)
* 20 portable seats can be added Down Stage (creating two additional rows)
Acting Area…
* Thrust: 37′ deep x 21′ 10″ wide
* Behind Proscenium: 6′ deep x 16′ wide x 8′ high
* Grid: 11′ 6″ high

Lighting System


Light Board:  ETC 24/48 Smartfade
Dimmers: 24 ETC 2.4kW Dimmers (DMX)
Lighting Instruments: Theater Inventory

Video & Sound System

Behan Sound System

Fixed System with the following items…
* 8-channel Mono Mixing Board
* Input Bay (3 XLR & 3 1/4″ jacks)
* 2 Wireless Shure SM58 Microphones
* 4 Stereo Amplifiers
* Internet
* Projector link for Laptop* 5 Full Range EV Speakers
* 1 Bass EV Speaker
* 2 Monitor EV Speakers
* Sanyo HD Projector
* 16′ x 16′ Movie Screen
Sound Inventory