OCT 5 – 11


Monday 10/05

A Station Without A Name


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A Station Without a Name


Wednesday 10/07

Andy Sarkany Presentation


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Meeting ID: 852 8996 5049
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Sarkany grew up in a building in Budapest that housed a nursery/kindergarten on the ground floor and a dance, acrobat, and ballet studio on the top floor. The school was affiliated with the Jewish Agency of Hungary and was led by Mr. Eugene Polnay. These facts were significant in Sarkany’s survival and that of at least 150 orphaned children.


Sarkany’s father was taken to Mauthausen Concentration Camp in the spring of 1944. Fortunately, he survived.


After WWII, Hungary became a communist nation. Although Sarkany graduated high school in 1955, he was not accepted to university because he was deemed an undesirable element of society, a label given to anyone who owned a business before the communists took over the country.


Sarkany escaped Hungary after the October 1956 uprising and immigrated to the United States. After graduating from Tusculum, he went on to earn a Master of Science in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from Washington University in St. Louis. Sarkany worked for both the McDonald Douglas Corporation and the IBM Corporation.


Sarkany is married, has a daughter, a son, and five grandchildren.

10/08 – 10/11

GLAWPIGT presents “I Never Saw Another Butterfly”

10/08 | 7 PM EST

10/09 | 7 PM EST

10/10 | 2 PM & 7 PM EST

10/11 | 2 PM & 7 PM EST

Annie Hogan Byrd Auditorium

a one-act play by Celeste Raspanti

Butterfly Poster Oct 2020

10/05 – 10/23

Shoah Exhibit

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday @ 10 AM – 6 PM

Thursday @ 10 AM – 8 PM

Behan Arena Theatre

HRW Shoah Exhibit Social Post

For more information, please contact Jennifer Hollowell at jhollowell@tusculum.edu.